July...sorry about that...

A picture from a (barefoot) evening walk in the neighborhood
I've almost completely failed at keeping this blog going over the summer. It wasn't for lack of ideas or motivation to write as much as the fact that my thoughts have been kind of chaotic. For whatever reason the things going on inside my head haven't translated well into complete sentences and solid paragraphs. Which is why, every time I try to write something, I find poetry unravelling underneath my pencil instead. Before this April I've probably written two poems and both were relatively terrible experiences, yet in the last few months, I've written over a dozen.

I guess this is the summer I become an amateur and very medicare poet with a lot of conflicting opinions about the world. I'm not going to copy any of them here because most of them are a stream of conscious following the general theme where I fall in love with the universe so hard that all the flaws and problems begin to tear me apart at the edges. 

As for the time I've spent not scribbling away on a sheet of paper (or staring blankly at the blogger screen wondering when I will regain the ability to write real sentences,) I've been really busy throwing myself into nordic dry land training with as much momentum as possible, spending time along the river with my family, solidifying my new hippie mindset as I walk along a trail, landscaping in the 1 million degree weather, and blasting Led Zeppelin. I couldn't ask for better. 

Anyway, I hope that works as a decent explanation for the growing void of words appearing on this blog. I would apologize but...

C'est la vie,



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