The Forecast

Before I get any further, you should probably know I have no idea what I am doing. This blog is the result of an school English project, and my previous blog experience has been severely limited. That being said, I am giving this my best shot and if I blow it and publicly embarrass myself, well, wince a little, leave a comment so I know, and move to the next post. It will be better, probably.

(photo courtesy of me)

I am calling this blog Breaking Trail, which is a backcountry skiing term that I feel is a metaphor for being successful in life. Living life to its fullest is not going to be found while taking the chairlift to the top and skiing down the groomer. I believe that it is found off the conventional path, wading knee deep in powder and dragging heavy skis up a steep slope while shards of ice etch into the bare skin on your cheeks (*cough* breaking trail.) It is about cutting switchbacks into the icy coating on the mountain so the path to the summit is more doable, it's about breathing hard and struggling a little, and it's about a good decision in risky circumstances. That is where you find the dramatic lines, the champagne powder and the face shots. It's worth it, it can be long and cold on the way up but eventually you learn to love it.

In the broadest sense, this is a ski blog. It's about first tracks, passing competitors in races and getting caught in blizzards. But I hope to make it something more. My goal is to make this blog worthwhile for anyone, not just an avid skier. This means if you are working a scuba-diving rental off the Florida Keys, or have seen snow only once, in which case you hid in your house for fear of what the world was coming to, or maybe you just could care less about skiing, I am going to try to post things that would interest you. I hope to connect my ski experiences to something bigger, something that would inspire motivation in your own sport, in your own life. I want to connect these adventures to things that are happening on a global scale.

My second goal is to surprise you. When you think of a ski blog, you might think the author is a park rat, emotionally attached to their favorite beanie, and with a lacking passion for the world that sinks somewhere below depression. Or maybe you think of somebody so enthusiastic about snow days, bright colors and glittering football stripes (my ski team might be partially responsible for that association) that it is overwhelming to your average bystander. Whatever you think of, I hope you are pleasantly surprised.

The last thing: not everything is going to be about skiing. Although I love skiing, it is not the only thing in my life (even though it feels like it sometimes.) There will be posts on other hobbies, mental breakdowns and life-changing experiences. I will probably interject my opinions, my ideas, and random thoughts into some, if not all, posts. You might come across something completely random, like the eccentricities of your average tea drinker. Don't say I didn't warn you.

I hope you enjoy,


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